Work can be a pain in the neck!

Nathan WillitsBlog

It might be time to increase your body awareness to help you reduce your pain! Sitting all day at work may be the culprit of your daily neck and backaches. With most jobs now requiring long hours working at a desk, as a society, our sitting time has significantly increased over the years. The Australian Department of Health found that …

Dealing with the dreaded “Hammy”

Fusion PhysiotherapyBlog

One of the most common injuries in sport is the hamstring strain, as the hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains in those sports that demand speed and agility. It is the most common injury in AFL and the dreaded ‘ping’ of the hammy has shortened many seasons and even careers. The ‘hamstring’ is actually a group of …

Running injuries: What really matters?

Fusion PhysiotherapyBlog

by Josh Naunton, Physiotherapist Running is a great way to keep fit and exercise which is partly why 3 million Australians participate in running each year1. Running can strengthen your immune system, prevent high blood pressure, improve your joint health, increase your strength, increase your bone density, help with weight loss and improve your mental health2. Contrary to the commonly held …

We’ve all got rocks in our head, and for good reason!

Fusion PhysiotherapyBlog

Vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance can be clues that there may be a problem with the inner ear. Sometimes a physio is able to treat the problem in one session! A thorough examination to establish a diagnosis is essential. The vestibular apparatus of the inner ear works much like a spirit level in providing you with a sense of balance. Hair …

Ankle rehab? Achieving the right balance.

Fusion PhysiotherapyBlog

  3 simple ways to manage your ankle injury Acute ankle injuries are one of the most common seen in private practice. An ankle sprain can injure the joints and the soft tissues; affecting your ankle function. If you have rolled your ankle to the outside, this is called a lateral ankle sprain, or an inversion sprain. The ligaments that …