Pain vs. soreness: How to tell the difference

Brigid McNamara Blog, Uncategorized

Pain vs. Soreness What is the difference between pain and soreness? By knowing the difference between an acceptable level of pain or soreness and when you should suspect a possible injury helps you to best manage your symptoms. Firstly, pain itself is very complex. It is a very personal experience and varies from person to person. In general, pain can …

Never skip leg day: Tips for in-season strength and conditioning

Brigid McNamara Blog

Strength training is crucial for athletes of all levels. Whether you’re playing at an elite level or just running around in the twos, some amount of gym training is essential. Often, we hear from our athletes that they prefer to avoid leg weights during the season, often due to the fatiguing nature of these workouts and the difficulties of fitting …

Lateral hip pain explained

Brigid McNamara Blog, Uncategorized

The hip joint is one of the largest joints in our body and is a common area that people can experience pain. There are many reasons as to why hip pain occurs, including osteoarthritis and referral from other areas of our body such as the lower back and the sacroiliac joint. A physiotherapist assessment can assist diagnosis and planning for …


Brigid McNamara Blog, Uncategorized

In 2010 there was an estimated 36 million people suffering from dementia worldwide, and this is anticipated to increase to 115 million by 2050. The associated difficulties for individuals experiencing cognitive decline include reduced mobility, increased muscle weakness, impaired balance and increased risk of falls, withdrawal from usual activities, increased stress and mood disturbance, and increased risk of cardiovascular and …


Brigid McNamara Blog, Uncategorized

What is muscle tightness? Muscle tightness can be an awareness or sensation that a muscle is tense, stiff, or unable to relax. People can perceive that this tightness is a structural concern within the muscle which limits our movement and elicits pain and or discomfort when being used. Todd Hargrove, a health practitioner has described tightness as a feeling, not …

WHO 2020 physical activity guidelines – how do you stack up?

Brigid McNamara Blog, Uncategorized

Are you getting enough? Do you meet the guidelines? How do you stack up? Whether or not you subscribe to the notion of New Year’s Resolutions (I don’t – but I do think it is beneficial to reset and set some intentions for the year) now is a good time to review your regular exercise habits and measure them against …

Are you getting enough sleep?

Brigid McNamara Blog

Sleep is critical to good health. Research highlights not only the importance of quality sleep, but also the negative impacts poor sleep can have on our health and our experience with pain. More than ⅔ (two thirds) of people living with chronic pain also present with sleep complaints, while 50% of individuals with insomnia are living with persistent pain. Sleep …

Pain in the young athlete

Fusion Physiotherapy Blog Leave a Comment

Staying on top of growing pain for young athletes Does your child complain of pain at the front of the knee? Or maybe at the heel? These are common presentations in young sportspeople, especially those involved in running, jumping and other high-impact activities and are often seen during growth spurts. They might be able to complete the training but over …

Ideal computer workstation set up

Nathan Willits Blog

Are you experiencing neck and shoulder pains? Do you spend prolonged periods at your computer? Have you checked your work station set up recently? Most of us spend hours at our desk every day, for this reason it is important to create a supportive ergonomic work station to protect our health. Prolonged sitting at a desk or computer, with poor …