Fusion Physiotherapy offers occupational therapy for people of all ages to enable them to participate in all activities of daily living. Janelle Willits has over 12 years experience working as an occupational therapist and is passionate about helping her clients reach their goals. At Fusion will work with individuals to help them develop, recover, or maintain their daily living and work sills. We help clients not only to improve their basic motor functions, but also to compensate for permanent loss of function. Our goal is to help clients have independent, productive and satisfying lives. We can offer assistance in a number of ways:

  • Assessment of work function and resolution of barriers
  • Education of back care principles and posture
  • Advice regarding managing stress and pacing
  • Provision of assistive devices and technologist to enable better function of daily activities in the home
  • Home assessments to review practicalities of safely staying in one’s home, including falls prevention